Additional Articles by Staff Writer
Simple Math For Better Schools Without $95M Bond Levy
Staff Writer
Measure 17-94 $95.6 million school bond includes $71 million dollars to build a new North Middle School, $5 million to renovate South Middle School, and $2 million for site development work for West Middle School in the Redwood area. This is a lot of money.
Yet, there is no money to build a second new middle school once the site development work is done. This would be an additional $70 million dollars which would be raised with a future bond levy. Both levies would total $160 million dollars and cost approximately $4.59 per thousand dollars of assessed value.
Can we get better middle schools for less money. Yes. We. Can.
On today’s Bill Meyers morning show, District #7 School Board Chair Gary Richardson said that, “we project having 1800 middle school students in 20 years.”
That’s why the current bond would build a new North with capacity for 900+ students. A second bond measure would fund a second large middle school with capacity of 900 students. That would cost another $70 million.
Simple math: 2 schools with 900 student capacity equals projected capacity of 1800 students.
The school district proposes spending $5 million dollars to renovate South Middle School. The capacity will remain 600+ students.
Why not renovate North Middle School for $5 to 10 million dollars as well? School capacity can remain at 700 students and increase with portable classrooms as needed.
In twenty years, we may or may not need a third middle school to handle 1800 students total.
At that time, we can build a new middle school in the Redwood area. A less costly school with capacity approximately 600 students.
In total, we can meet the projected capacity need of 1800 students with 3 mid-sized schools rather than 2 large middle schools. For a lot less money.
Simple math: 3 schools with 600 student capacity equals projected capacity of 1800 students.
A 3-school solution will save the school district many millions of dollars. And save families many thousands of dollars.
We Can Vote No On the School Bond AND Get Better Schools. Please vote no on 17-94.
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